SENA volunteers
Meet at end of main path, Beechwood Avenue. Email for more information.
Meet at end of main path, Beechwood Avenue. Email for more information.
Facebook (opens in new tab) T: 07730 336144
T: 07704 164219
Oasis Community Café Facebook (link opens in new tab)
For babies, toddlers and pre-school age children and their parents. Term time only. T: 7667 4625 email
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911 Gilbert Richards Centre
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911 Gilbert Richards Centre
The Weavers’ Workshop meet regularly at The Weaver’s House. The cost is £3, including materials to make a small woven item and a cup of tea or coffee (and biscuit). The Weavers’ Workshop (opens in new tab)
Oasis Community Café Facebook (link opens in new tab)