Events: 19th June 2024
Sing and Sign Baby Signing Class
Babes, 0-6 months. Sing and Sign Facebook Youtube T: 07920 066652
Oils and Mixed Media
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911 Gilbert Richards Centre
Coventry German Circle: Online Conversation Group
For details, speak to Lynne T: 07910 034653.
MagiKats Maths and English Tuition
For ages 4-16. T: 7736 0089 Magikats Tuition (opens in new tab)
Beaver Scouts
Scout Hut, St. Barbara’s Church Car Park. T: 07763 974107 (after 6pm)
Zumba Fitness with Mandy
Yoga for All
Weekly All year £9 per session Classes suitable for all, exploring breath, movement, longer held stretches and adding some stealthy strength! Friendly and welcoming classes every week. Contact Helen for more info or to join: 07952 182701 Except second Thursday of each month.
George’s Pub Quiz
The Cottage