Sing and Sign Baby Signing Class
Stage 1, for 7-13 months. Sing and Sign Facebook Youtube T: 07920 066652
Stage 1, for 7-13 months. Sing and Sign Facebook Youtube T: 07920 066652
Babes, 0-6 months. Sing and Sign Facebook Youtube T: 07920 066652
All abilities and ages. Welcoming class. T: 07952 182701
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911 Gilbert Richards Centre
Call for booking and information. T: 024 7667 2911
For details, speak to Lynne T: 07910 034653.
For ages 4-16. T: 7736 0089 Magikats Tuition (opens in new tab)
Scout Hut, St. Barbara’s Church Car Park. T: 07763 974107 (after 6pm)