Community Food Growing
The Pod’s Food Union. Healthier and sustainable ways of producing and eating food.
The Pod’s Food Union. Healthier and sustainable ways of producing and eating food.
Stories, songs and musical movement for children aged 0 to 5 years and caregivers. During term time. Song and Storytime
With Jeanette. Booking (opens in new tab)
Stage 2, for 14+ months. Sing and Sign Facebook Youtube T: 07920 066652
For 18 months to 3 years. Term time only. T: 07779 106663 Drama Tots (opens in new tab) Facebook (opens in new tab)
All levels of fitness welcome. Call for details: 7641 8444
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911
Call for booking and information. T: 024 7667 2911
Call for booking and information. T: 7667 2911 Gilbert Richards Centre
Email to reserve space. T: 7678 6970 Earlsdon Carnegie Community Library (opens in new tab)