Plots and Plans

The following new plans have been submitted in recent weeks:

4 Norfolk Street, Spon End – Conservation Area Consent for change of use of building to form additional living accommodation (ref. CON/2014/0173).  The application has been withdrawn by planning officers as they required much more information about the plans to be able to proceed.  In the meantime eleven neighbours objected on various grounds including overdevelopment, overcrowding and existing problems with tenants.

Meadow House, Upper Spon Street – application by Whitefriars Housing for change of use from A1 (Shop) to community room for residents of the block and storage for 8 mobility scooters (ref: FUL/2014/0043).  The plans are due to be considered by the planning committee on 6 March.

Albany Court, Brunswick Road – works to Tree Preservation Order trees: re-pollard 2 lime trees (ref. TP/2014/0149)


The following plans have been approved in recent weeks:

 Former Texaco Petrol Filling Station, Allesley Old Road – amendment (remodelling of internal staircore and apartments) to planning application reference 39201/H, granted on 16 May 2005 for demolition of petrol station and erection of three storey apartment blocks and associated works (ref. AD/2014/0050).

 11-12 Westminster Road – change of use of both properties and single storey extension to the rear to create 1 single house in multiple occupation with 20 bedrooms (ref. FUL/2013/2641).  A  similar previous application last year was rejected on the grounds of over intensification of the use of the site.


The following plan is still being considered:

 37 Warwick Street – demolition of existing buildings, and development of 19 x 2 bed apartments with associated parking  (ref.  FUL/2014/0012).  A growing number of nearby residents, supported by Councillor Allan Andrews who arranged a very useful meeting on 10 February between residents and planning officers, have objected strongly to this plan.  It was agreed that the plans as submitted were not acceptable to residents or the council and Councillor Andrews has now arranged for residents to speak directly to the developer, to see if a compromise can be reached.  See also February issue for more details of the plans.


All these plans (and others) can be inspected at the planning offices on the ground floor of the Tower Block, Much Park Street from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and from 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday.  Full details of all the applications and local residents’ responses can also be viewed via the City Council’s website.

ECHO’s policy is to include in this section plans which are likely to have broader impact than on immediate neighbours.  We do not therefore normally include house extensions, loft conversions etc. which should be notified to adjacent properties by the City Council.