Category: Pastimes

Memorial Park car park petition

The council is reconsidering its plan, dropped a year ago, to start charging for parking at Memorial Park for all parking. The current three hours free parking at the park could be lost and motorists would be charged £1 for up to one hour, £3 for 1-2 hours and £3.50 for two to four hours. So …

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News from Earlsdon Park Village

This article was submitted too late for inclusion in the printed October issue of ECHO. Here are a few things that have been happening so far in September and also what we have to come in October. The brilliant Joey Linden brought his Freddy Mercury tribute act to the Village – he was fabulous and …

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Our apologies that this article was omitted from the August issue of ECHO. Prepare in the winter, plant in the spring, tend in the summer and win in the autumn, was what my father taught me when, instead of giving me money for the kid flicks on a snowy Saturday morning in February, he’d usher …

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Correction to February 2021 ECHO “Walks from Earlsdon” Wainbody Wood East Section

Please note that the section of the walk leaving Stoneleigh Road to visit Wainbody Wood (East Section) is now removed. There are no official rights of way and the landowners have confirmed that they do NOT PERMIT walkers to cross their land to visit the wood. Walkers can, of course, still enjoy the rest of …

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Coventry Spires U3A Open Day

Our apologies to Coventry Spires U3A – due to an error in the compilation of the September issue of ECHO, the information which appeared was from last year. The correct information for this year’s Open Day is as follows:- Coventry Spires U3A will be having an Open Day on Thursday 19 September at 2pm at …

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Skateboarders’ Petition

The War Memorial Ramp Renovation (WMRR) campaign has been set up by 5 children in years 3 and 6 at Earlsdon Primary school who are campaigning to renovate the ramps at the War Memorial Park to make the site bigger and better for everyone on wheels across the city and beyond. All 5 children are …

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