A date has been set for the public meeting that is mentioned in ECHO’s July cover story. Love Earlsdon reports:
The future of Earlsdon Library: South Earlsdon Neighbours Association SENA & North Earlsdon Neighbourhood Association (NENA) have organised a public meeting to discuss how the ‘community’ will run the library and other local amenities should the council pull the plug on them in the near future due to funding cuts imposed on it by the Conservative government at Westminster.
Both associations work closely with the council on various issues so this is an ideal chance to let them know what you think and find out more about any plans they may have to ensure the library remains open.
The meeting takes place at Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind, 33 Earlsdon Avenue South, CV5 6TH on Monday 6 July at 7.30pm.
If you can’t make the meeting but would like to make your views known please e-mail them to Mike the SENA Chair.
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