Update posted by Cllr Bally Singh via HERA Facebook page:
Following concerns regarding the untidy state of Hearsall Common left by the works from Western Power, the following steps are being taken to remediate. If any resident has any other concerns they can contact Des Gelly directly on 07850 720176 or email dgelly@westernpower.co.uk
“Areas of concern:
North of Hearsall Common
To the North of Hearsall lane there is a large area that is water logged. The primary cause of this appears to be restrictions between the ditch running generally west to east on the southern side of the substation being blocked between the driveway to the allotments and the pond. This appears to be an historic issue. Our trench has been left slightly crowned to allow for settlement which is also hampering surface water relieving to the ditch.
Our works are not complete in this area however in the interim, to address this issue we intend to attempt to clear the pre-existing blockages in the ditch and create some shallow relief channels to allow the standing water to drain away. This work will be completed today.
South of Hearsall Common
There is surplus excavated and fine fill material which is retained on site and some black plastic ducting which is not stored correctly. In addition there is a blocked ditch which runs across the common adjacent to the allotment boundary.
It is this blockage which is causing standing water to flood the area including the footpath. This ditch was flumed to allow our vehicles to cross during our installation works .
All materials are being moved and more appropriately stored. The flume which was installed is being removed, the ditch cleared and the existing drains cleared to allow the water backing up in the ditch to drain away. A small sump will be dug to collect standing to water to allow it to be over pumped into the ditch which runs along the side of the allotments. This work will be completed today.
Programme of works
The majority of works have been completed on Hearsall Common. Approximately 90 % of the ducting has been installed and the drill beneath the railway has been completed.
Outstanding works:
Approx 20m of duct to be installed adjacent to the existing substation on the Northern side of Hearsall Common which will involve crossing the adjacent ditch which is currently blocked . Hopefully the above remedial works to the existing ditch will hopefully improve site conditions prior to this work taking place. This work is planned to take place early March 2018.
Approx 50m of duct to install around the existing tower to connect ducts installed beneath the railway. This work is in the vicinity of the standing water. These works have been deferred until March 2018 to prevent further damage to this area.
The Horizontal Directional Drill across Hearsall Lane is planned for early February and will involve small excavations in the grassed areas each side of the road. Trackway will be installed to prevent surface damage by the drilling equipment.
Once all the ducting has been installed cables will be pulled through these, jointed and tested. These activities are planned to take place from mid- March 2018 through to mid-April 2018.”