Phoenix Players have been working very hard over the last few weeks set decorating, learning lines and rehearsing. Unfortunately two of their cast had to drop out due to injury, both taking ‘break a leg’ a little too literally. They wish John and Maria a speedy recovery and hope that they will be rejoining the company when they are fully recovered. This, of course, meant that the production was in jeopardy of not being able to go ahead but fortunately two new actors asked if they could join.
They were welcomed with open arms and have fitted in with the rest of the cast proving to be a very valuable addition. So welcome and thank you to Gerry and Vicky. They also welcome Vanessa who joined in the summer. Congratulations go to Sarah, one of their actresses, who gave birth to a lovely little boy in August. Such is her dedication that she came to rehearsal as usual and her lovely baby was born next day. He has already made his debut on the stage as she brings him to rehearsals. He is very much a hit with the cast and is such a good little boy, preferring to sleep through the proceedings. We hope that this is not indicative of how he feels about the plays.
As mentioned a couple of months ago, this time Phoenix Players are producing two short comedies. The first is Most Desirable Cottage by Anthony Booth. Set in the late 1950s it features a remote cottage near the sea which Julie and Bill have rented for two weeks intending to have a second honeymoon alone to celebrate their Ruby Wedding. All appears to be perfect until the milk starts to disappear and noises are heard from an empty room prompting Julie to believe that the place is haunted.
The second offering is Last Tango In Earlsdon by David Tristram. This is a hilarious look at a struggling amateur dramatic company who are on their last legs due in no small part to the fact that audience numbers are dropping combined with a huge rise in the rental of the hall where they perform. As the curtain rises we see the dwindling committee meeting to discuss their future convinced that the next production will also be their last. That is until the Chairman announces that he has written a play which he is convinced will be a sure fire winner. The others are a little perturbed by the content of the play but reluctantly agree to perform it for their swan song. It is extremely funny and will strike a chord for many of the audience.
Both plays will be performed at Earlsdon Methodist Church Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 15, 16 and 17 November commencing at 7.30pm each night. Tickets are priced at £6.50 each which will include a programme plus a drink and biscuits during the interval. There will be a raffle with all proceeds going to a charity as usual. This year in honour of the Centenary of World War 1 Phoenix Players are donating the takings to Troop Aid a charity that ensures all injured personnel who are admitted to hospital or sent home are given a ‘Grab Bag’ as often they have no personal effects or clothing and these bags help to give them some dignity and comfort. Each bag contains simple personal items and toiletries for both men and women. They cost around £30.00 each to make up.
To book tickets please ring Jennie on 02476 715189.