Throughout February NENA (North Earlsdon Neighbourhood Association) has been active in trying to reduce the disruption to residents in Spencer Avenue caused by major cabling works.
In January Western Power announced 7 weeks of disruption whilst they laid cables along the length of Spencer Avenue and Spencer Road. There were fears that residents would lose all parking spaces in their street. With help from Councillor Allan Andrews, NENA pressed for something to alleviate this problem and council officers have now closed the road and introduced residents only parking.
NENA has also carried out a survey of the new street lighting across their area and have fed back to the council a number of residents’ concerns. Generally the new lighting has been well received but there is still some room for improvement, including the lighting of Anarchy Bridge. NENA is also in discussion with the council about the introduction of a permanent residents only parking scheme to Earlsdon.
The Annual Street Sale this year will take place on Saturday 5 July. Members will be contacted shortly with details of how to book their stall.
Dates are also now confirmed for this year’s residents’ meetings. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 4 March when Peter Waters will be talking about the history of the area and the work of the Earlsdon Research Group. Also attending will be City Tree Officer Tim Wetherall who will talk about Coventry’s current tree planting and maintenance policy and its impact on the area. The May Meeting will be held on Monday 12 May and will be an election hustings for the forthcoming council elections. This will be an opportunity to see and question candidates from all of the political parties standing in the Earlsdon ward. This will be a joint meeting with sister association SENA.
Other residents’ meetings will be held on Tuesday 8 July and Tuesday 9 September. Their AGM this year will be held on Tuesday 4 November. As in previous years, this will be primarily a social event and an opportunity to meet neighbours.
Other local events for the diary include the Big Lunch in Spencer Park on Sunday 1 June and the Earlsdon Festival on Monday 5 May. NENA will also be supporting the ‘Bands in the Park’ events in Spencer Park in June, July and August (dates tbc) and is planning a social event in the Autumn probably a Beer Tasting Evening.
More details of NENA activities are available from their website and from their Facebook page.