The Friends of the War Memorial Park are in the process of organising events leading up to the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Park in July 2021, coinciding with the City of Culture year, and hope to have monthly events, starting in July 2020 and leading up to a really big event in July 2021.
They hope that the Crazy Golf facility will be opening during May/June this year. This will be situated near to the Tennis Pavilion on the area which is presently used as the Putting Green, and hopefully this will attract a wide variety of users, especially families, so keep a look-out for this.
During this year they to have a more regular programme of events in the park and events this month are as follows:
Saturday 7 April 2pm-4pm – Easter Crafts for all ages, Visitors’ Centre.
Saturday 27 April 2pm-4pm – St George’s Day event to include brass band and craftwork – Visitors’ Centre.
Our apologies that the above information was accidentally omitted from the April issue.