Hearsall Primary School are delighted to welcome back the Headteacher, Mrs Emma Billington, from her maternity leave. Lots of exciting events have been happening at Hearsall over the last couple of months. Christmas was celebrated in style with a very successful Christmas Fayre which was held at the school and raised around £600. Friends of Hearsall, the school’s PTA, will use this money to purchase outdoor play equipment for the playground.
Many congratulations to the school choir who reached the semi-final of the Free Radio Christmas Stars competition, singing Love Shone Down. They also performed at a thoroughly enjoyable Christmas Singalong evening involving staff, pupils and parents; and during Late Night Shopping on Earlsdon Street where they got very wet, but their Christmas spirit was not dampened!
This term has already got off to a flying start with Reception having a magical dressing up day and enjoying lots of different magical experiences. Year 1 have had a visit to Canley Fire Station where they were even allowed to use the hoses! They enacted their own Great Fire of Hearsall as part of their Great Fire of London project. Year 2 visited Coventry city centre as part of their Town Planning and Artificial Environment topic. This helped them to understand how urban facilities support the needs of the local community.
Year 3 dressed up as Romans for their Roaring Romans day, the culmination of their Romans topic. They had a Roman Banquet, learnt Roman numerals and some Latin; and role played a gladiatorial event. Year 4 played football at Woodfield School – well done to the team. Year 5 went to the Herbert to explore how museums work and particularly enjoyed the Elements Gallery, which appealed to all their senses. Year 6 had a 1930s dressing up day as part of this term’s theme.
Hearsall is looking forward to many exciting events in the up coming term, such as a Children’s Disco, a Film Night and, on 22 March, a Family Social Event.
All Souls Primary School had its Ofsted inspection last term and was given a Good, which they are very pleased about. Now they are getting back into the swing of things with the Christmas festivities being a distant memory. There is another busy term ahead for all the children with many events planned.
The school were entertained by Performers from M and M Theatrical Productions to showcase the pantomime of Peter Pan. All children in Years 1 to 6 enjoyed the opportunity to watch the panto which was very entertaining. Some student volunteers from Warwick University are going in to support the children with their reading skills and to give some help in teaching French. Coventry Rugby Club players are working with Year 2 children with a programme of Reading and Rugby. The players are listening to readers and then the children enjoy a lesson on rugby skills.
Year 6 children are learning to ride their bicycles safely through the Cycling Proficiency programme. They learn many of the rules and skills of riding their bikes which will enable them to go out onto the roads with confidence.
The school’s football team reached the semi-finals of the Coventry City five a side Community Cup. They are still training hard for the up and coming fixtures in the league and cup competitions. The Year 3 and 4 team will be competing in a five a side competition at Woodlands School. Netballers continue their league and cup matches this term, still unbeaten so far.
Some Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils took part in the Coventry Swimming Gala at Tile Hill Wood School. There were many first placed swimmers in the different events. The children finished second in the competition, a super team performance. The Cross Country season is back on again with the Year 5 and 6 girls in action at Bishop Ullathorne, they then go on to the team competition later this term.
A huge congratulations to the school’s Dance Off team who have successfully got through to the semi-finals of the Great Big Dance Off competition. A video recording was made of the team performing their Rock n Roll/Street routine which was then sent to a panel of judges who picked All Souls as one of their semi-finalists. The team will be travelling to Birmingham Town Hall on 5 February to compete in the next round of the competition.
Children and some members of staff are busy training for the Coventry Half Marathon. They will be running a total of 12.1 miles during sessions each morning over 5 weeks and then they will be competing in the final mile during the event on 23 March. Supporters are welcome to come along and cheer them on. Year 6 children will be competing in an indoor rowing competition this term at Warwick University – at least it will be dry!
Congratulations to Miss Kate Ingram who married Mr Richard Last on 21 December. She also left Earlsdon School to take up a new profession and the school wishes her well in both her new life and her new career. Mrs Alison Fenerty also left at Christmas after 16 years with the school. Earlsdon is delighted that she has agreed to do some supply work for them when needed.
Year 1 chose the story of Plop “The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark” as their December production. The performance followed on from the children’s learning this term, all about owls. The shows were amazing.
Mr Hook masterminded a special CD of Christmas songs and each year group plus the choir had a track of their choosing on it. The school were delighted to sell nearly 200 copies.
Year 5 visited Coventry Cathedral – the following is written by Clara and Chloe from 5G: “On Wednesday 11 December, Year 5 went to the Cathedral for the Christingle Service. When we got there the priest introduced us to everyone. After learning what Christingle oranges are, we sang Christmas Carols. Some schools did a performance or a reading. When we finished we were given oranges to make Christingles at school or home, if we wanted to! We had a great time at the Cathedral.”
They also enjoyed their project on biscuits, which Emmi and Tom from 5G wrote about: “For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about biscuits. We went to the Co-op to see what biscuits are already out there. Then we went around the school with a questionnaire asking what types of biscuits people like. We all brought our ingredients and made our own biscuits. The names of the biscuits were: Stereos, Star Delight, Chocolate Monster, Caramel Delight, Biscuit Burst, Star Frazzle, Crystal and Supercalafradgelisticexpealabiscuit! We designed the adverts, to include a mouth-watering picture, slogan in bold writing, caption and logo, designed and made our packaging, jingle and filmed an advert.”
Foundation and Key Stage 1 had a wonderful visit to the Warwick Arts Centre to see Room on the Broom. Lucy from year 2 said “It was brilliant, I liked the witch best. It wasn’t scary, but it was funny! The best bit was when the Dragon came!”
The school choir were extremely busy over the end of last term. They performed on Free Radio and sang to the residents of Boston Lodge and Elsie Jones House. They also performed at a Candlelight Service at the Methodist Church in Coventry city centre. Then as soon as they came back after the Christmas break they performed at the Young Voices Concert at the NEC, Birmingham.

Robyn Foster from Class 5WA has won a national Christmas card design competition. Her card will be sent to 250,000 people, plus she received a prize of vouchers for Hobbycraft. Well done Robyn. Not to be outdone her younger brother, Joseph, was chosen to appear on Dancing on Ice when he became a pageboy during the routine by Sam Attwater and Vicky Ogden.
Finally there is Mason Daw who, following his success in Nativity 2 was chosen to appear in Nativity 3. Add to this a sprinkling of parents who became extras for the day and you have a whole bunch of talent from Earlsdon School!
Year 2 are to be visited by Freshwater Theatre who will perform a play based on the Great Fire of London which is their project this term. Meanwhile Year 6 are to attend a special performance and workshop of Macbeth at the Warwick Arts Theatre.