The Trustees of the recently closed Hearsall Baptist Church have made the following announcement today:
“…the Trustees are now in a position to announce that the sale of the premises in Queensland Avenue was finalized on Tuesday 30 April and the keys for the premises have been officially handed to the new owners.
The new owners are Genesis International Christian Centre who worship under the name MARPE Assembly of All Nations, who currently meet in a rented building in the Rowleys Green area of the City.
Both groups have a strong feeling that this sale was directed by God, as although we had been looking to redevelop the site for many years, we had always come across obstacles preventing our progress and MARPE had experienced the same thing, wanting to purchase a permanent home for many years but always being unable to do so until now.
The purchasers are a Christian church who are very keen to maintain the history of the buildings. Rooms will still be named after prominent figures in Hearsall’s history, i.e. Sydney Peirson, etc. and they have pledged that the star will still appear every Christmas on the Hearsall tower. The 1928 building will be used for its original purpose, as a Sunday school and a children’s tuition venue, attracting so many children that they will need four classrooms. Meals will regularly be prepared for the poor and homeless, and the church are committed to engaging with the local community.”